This page shows all of the crawls that ArchiveBot is currently running.
To show or hide a job, click anywhere on its stats line.
The color coding for the job stats line is:
in progress,
finished normally,
finished with abort,
finished with fatal exception.
Mouse over the job start date or the response count for additional information.
To pause scrolling, move your mouse inside a log window.
To clear all finished jobs, reload the page.
Keyboard shortcuts:
- j - show next job window
- k - show previous job window
- a - show all job windows
- n - hide all job windows
- f - move focus to filter box
- v - open the job URL of the first-shown job window
- ? - show/hide help text
Browser tips:
- If your ad blocker is enabled for this domain, you will see slower performance, and some URLs will not be displayed.
- Performance may be impacted by other browser extensions that watch the DOM. Sometimes the offending extension can be found using the profiler in the DevTools 'Performance' tab.
- A custom context menu is shown when right-clicking URLs in the log windows below. It can be disabled by adding ?contextMenu=0 to the dashboard URL. Firefox users: if you see both the normal and custom context menu, make sure
is set to true
in about:config
- To change the font used on this page, customize the sans-serif font in your browser's font settings.
URL parameters:
- To specify an initial filter, add ?initialFilter=TEXT to the dashboard URL. The default is ^$.
- To retain more lines in the log windows, add ?historyLines=1000 to the dashboard URL. The default is
, or 250
on mobile.
- To update the dashboard more frequently, add ?batchTimeWhenVisible=33 to the dashboard URL. The default is
(8 Hz).
- To skip loading of recent (buffered) log data for jobs, add ?loadRecent=0 to the dashboard URL. Inactive jobs will not appear.
To use ArchiveBot, drop by #archivebot on hackint. Issue commands by typing them into the channel. You will need channel operator (@) or voice (+) status to issue archiving jobs; just ask for help or leave a message with the website you want to archive.
These ignore sets are available for crawls. The global ignore set automatically applies to all crawls.
On GitHub at ArchiveTeam/ArchiveBot.
You can try the alternate dashboard (beta) here.